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Monthly Archives: November 2023

In what order do you eat food? It can help you lose weight.

In what order do you eat food? It can help you lose weight.

Eating every day is very important to your health. Because food is a source of energy and nutrients necessary for the body to function. But sometimes Especially for people who want to lose weight , they may feel like they are eating very little but why the weight isn’t coming

5 drinks you should and shouldn't drink before bed

5 drinks you should and shouldn’t drink before bed

If we really can’t sleep Even if you count a few hundred sheep, it probably won’t help. I’ve read the book. Already watched the series Even more unable to sleep You may have forgotten about the reasons why you can’t sleep. Accumulated stress? Just went to bed in the early evening? Or

5 reasons why we are hungry more often than others!?

5 reasons why we are hungry more often than others!?

Eat and then go out to eat together. The menu is the same. But why…why? Even though I’m hungrier than my friends until I had to go buy snacks and other foods to eat, until over and over my weight overtakes that of my friends Anyone who is experiencing the problem