5 Bad Habits Plumbers Ask You to Quit Right Now

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Whether you own a home or rent, it’s easy to develop some bad household habits. You might not be changing or cleaning your air filters as often as you should, or you might skip a chore like mowing the lawn too often. But there are also some bad household habits that can be costing you big bucks. And here are some bad habits your plumber would urge you to break:

1. Excessive garbage disposal

5 Bad Habits Plumbers Ask You to Quit Right Now

While it’s convenient to flush your trash down the sink or near the drain, it’s no substitute for your actual trash can. And remember, not everything is trash can-friendly.

2. Flush other things down the toilet besides toilet paper.

There’s a reason why the bathroom asks you not to flush paper towels, tampons, etc. These things may not immediately cause a blockage, but they can get stuck in the pipes and cause problems later on. In other words, even if you can flush something that isn’t toilet paper, that doesn’t mean you won’t have a problem. Things that look like toilet paper aren’t necessarily disposed of as well. For example, baby wipes are not appropriate to flush down the toilet.

3. Ignoring External Factors in Your Plumbing

Pipes don’t start and end in your home, but external factors can. For example, if you’re planning a large garden, the trees you plant could cause future plumbing problems because tree roots are incredibly powerful and can wreak havoc, especially on plumbing systems.

4. Brush your hair in the shower.

Tiny strands of hair don’t seem like a problem, but over time, they can build up and clog your drain. Brushing your hair before you step into the shower is an easy way to limit the amount of hair you’ll be in the shower.

5. Count on slower drains

Drains are often clogged by substances such as hair, toothpaste, food, and more, and it’s easy to ignore the problem if your sink or shower is still working. Neglecting these solutions won’t make the ufabet https://ufabet999.app problem go away. It’s important to take care of it as soon as possible, because if left clogged, it could lead to a burst pipe.