Because life is uncertain, people will always encounter disappointment. Whether it will be happiness or suffering depends on how quickly we can unlock ourselves from the negative feelings. The more we sink into it, the harder it will be to escape from that feeling. Therefore, we should learn to unlock our own disappointments with these 7 perspectives so that we can move forward and meet better things ahead.

1. Thank you and apologize to yourself.
No matter what is good or bad. We are the first to face all the results. When we encounter suffering, we suffer. When we encounter happiness, we are also happy. Therefore, whether suffering or happiness, thank and apologize to yourself. Thank you for bringing yourself to a point of happiness. And apologize for causing disappointment. Then forgive yourself. Because as long as there is still breath. As long as we can still open our eyes in the morning. It means that we still have the chance to fix things and start over.
2. Stop comparing yourself to others.
First of all, we must accept the truth of the สมัคร ufabet world, that the cost of living is a factor in real success. No one in this world is truly equal (that would be too idealistic). Since we didn’t start at the same level, those who have less have to try harder and work harder. Which is normal, in order to catch up with others. Therefore, stop comparing yourself to others, and don’t feel disappointed in yourself. Keep trying in your own way. One day, you will find success in your own way as well.
3. Don’t give up before you take the risk.
Some people don’t start because they are afraid of losing or being disappointed. No, you are afraid of taking risks. It is worse to give up before even starting the game than to lose the game. Because it means that we are the ones who have cut off half of our chances of winning. In fact, we still have a 50 percent chance. So if it is not too much trouble for you take the risk. You will know what life is like. It is better than regretting not doing it.
4. Stop clinging to the past that cannot be changed.
Dwelling on things that cannot be changed is a waste of time and a waste of good opportunities. What we need to do is to accept the fact that no one in this world is perfect, fix it and move on. What we cannot control, let it go. The only thing to do to deal with the past is not to let it happen again and again. Find the loopholes and fix them. And prepare yourself to deal with disappointment every time. That way, it won’t hurt as much because you have already prepared yourself to some extent.
5. Find small joys in the midst of misery.
Do you know how much meaning a small smile we give ourselves when we encounter bad things has? Because it can comfort us. Even if the results don’t change. We ourselves will feel better and more comfortable. Try to adjust your thinking and look for opportunities, no matter how small they are. If our hearts are still good. The situation around us will certainly ease up. As time passes, the bad things that happened may just become a joke during a drinking party.
6. Don’t mind biased criticism.
The truth of the world is “People who love are as big as skin, people who hate are as big as mats.” We cannot please everyone and live up to everyone’s expectations. Being open to criticism is a good thing because it is the key for us to improve ourselves. Except for criticism that is just attacking. It is obvious that it is not well-intended. It is not beneficial to our lives and it also undermines our mental health . Therefore, it is best to be ourselves. Just don’t make anyone suffer. And don’t value people like that. No matter how good we are, if they hate us, they will still hate us.
7. Don’t be quick to judge others.
It is too quick for us to judge others by seeing only one side of them. Don’t expect too much from others until we suffer. “If you don’t expect, you won’t be disappointed.” And it is useless to waste your time finding fault with others because people grow up in different environments and are taught differently. If something they do doesn’t please us. That is our problem that we are not satisfied with them. If it is not a problem that bothers you, let it go. It is easier to deal with your own feelings than to change others.